This is where InfinityID’s IOT technology comes into play, which, thanks to small tags applied to each tool, will provide real-time information on their respective location
Tools survey and inventory
By introducing a unique RFID identifier for each tool it will be possible to censor their number and exact type. It will then be possible to introduce periodic inventory procedures to monitor their actual availability
Automatic management replenishment of missing equipment
It is possible to connect the trolleys management software to third-party software for the management of an automatic reorder of tools that appear to be low on stock at the suppliers’ location
Tool/user trust management
By adopting special trolleys for tools holding crammed into special cabinets equipped with RFID antennas, automatic inventory operations are managed. Trolleys are released only through authentication of the operator who uses them. During the withdrawal phase, the operator can check the presence of the necessary tools and during the delivery phase, a verification scan of what is stored by the operator is always carried out, giving the possibility to the same to state causes regarding absent and/or added devices with respect to the previously withdrawn set
Avoiding unnecessary waste of time during the production process is essential for the correct management of orders